All about RiteTag's color grading system and how to make smart choices with the hashtags generated by the app and extension
Updated December 1, 2024
Insta (rainbow color) = great for Instagram, not recommended for other social networks
Green = great engagement (right now, based on realtime data). Tweet density (Tweets/hour containing this hashtag) shows that this hashtag is in the perfect range.
Blue = great for giving your tweet “legs”: our blue grade means that this hashtag is likely to get light engagement now, but get your tweet seen for weeks and perhaps months to come.
Red = overused. Twitter might tell you it’s trending. There’s a problem with trending, however: this just means that there are many Tweets/updates/posts containing the hashtag while telling you nothing about any positive outcomes for those who have included the hashtag in a Tweet. The chance of your tweet with an overused hashtag getting discovered from search or hashtag-clicking (for the stream) are zero.
Grey = unused. Not completely unused, for many, but not used steadily over time. Not a good choice.
Unique Tweets: the average* number of Tweets sent per hour that contain the hashtag
Hashtag exposure: this is the average* number of impressions of Tweets containing the hashtag per hour (both within and outside Twitter, including embedded Tweets)
Retweets: the average* number of Retweets (Tweets that someone shares in Twitter) sent per hour that contain the hashtag
*Average: RiteKit has developed our own weighting for this special average. Our products are geared for those who wish to make things happen in social networks, so our analytics are designed to help them understand which hashtags are likely to get them engagement. Thus, our "averages" are actually weighted: the last hour is most important, and then, the last several hours. Then, to a lesser extent, the last 24 hours, and finally, of slight weighting, the last 30 days.
We do not provide further details on our weighting or algorithms. These are proprietary.
Search a hashtag in the search bar at the top of RiteTag or go straight here.
Use the hashtag bar at the bottom of RiteTag and type hashtags and a space after each. You can then save them as a Hashtag Set or Compare on both the Instagram post count per hashtag as well as three Twitter engagement data points or Copy all.
You can also go from your Hashtag Sets (left side of your RiteTag Dashboard) to compare, add/edit hashtags or delete them.
Here's how to select hashtags, save a hashtag set and use it with an Instagram post. Then, you will want to use your RiteTag browser extension, right-click on your image, generate hashtags, select, copy and add to the Instagram comment as well:
View unique tweets as your competition, and retweets/hour and impressions/hour as your wins.
When you several hashtags with high retweets and/or impressions vs. low relative uniques and/or good semantic relevance, save a Hashtag Set. You'll want to compare your researched hashtags in the future, to see which are still right for you - as the engagement stats change over time.
Right-click on any photo in any web page or one that you uploaded to a desktop-to-Instagram solution to generate hashtags. Click the ones you don't want to remove, then copy all with the button in the Hashtag Bar. See tutorials for using the RiteTag browser extension with the many social media tools it integrates with here. Even if you don't find the tool you use, just try right-clicking on a block of text (up to 1,000 characters) or on a photo and using the Generate Hashtags mouse option.
Highlight a block of text then right-click and select Generate Hashtags.
Type a hashtag and a space to get color-grading of the hashtag as well as Hashtag Suggestions in the Hashtag Bar that opens, and buttons on the right to compare on three data points or copy all. You can also click on any hashtag in the Hashtag Suggestions to remove it before you use the copy all button.
How to put the numbers to work from Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Buffer or from any site (with the RiteTag browser extension installed)
Using the RiteTag browser extension, in any web page click a hashtag to see the generated hashtags, select a few and hit compare.
In the comparison page that opens, always consider hashtags with low Instagram post counts but high relevance, if you will be using them on Instagram posts
If you are using the hashtags in Twitter, mainly, regard unique tweets as your competition, and retweets/hour and impressions/hour as your wins.
When you manually add hashtags to the hashtag bar that opens when you bookmark hashtags from Compare, try changing singular/plural, push together or break up words (e.g. test #humanresources #hr, etc. but if #hrtips shows low numbers, try #hr). Try to get to several hashtags with high retweets and/or impressions vs. low relative uniques.
Search hashtags for current engagement stats and full 30-day historical engagement analytics.
Get Hashtag Suggestions by searching any hashtag.
See the Toolkit app tutorial to master the app and get tips.
Use the RiteForge extension's browser button to share a web page or highlight text > Share with RiteForge and then click in hashtags to select Associated hashtags and other time-saving options.
Click or type a hashtag and then click the hashtag button for analytics. Click the pull-down for more options, such as suggested hashtags to add, analytics page, or get images/GIFs/influencers to add.
Just the essence of each RiteKit product (RiteTag, RiteForge, and RiteBoost), enough to know which you will need, is demonstrated in just a couple minutes:
These solutions are for developers who want to use RiteTag's proprietary hashtag generation solutions in their apps and websites
Hashtag Generator for text API
Hashtag Generator for image
Test any of our many API solutions even before you get your API developer key, right inside the API Demo Dashboard.
All about RiteTag's color grading system, analytics, and how to make smart choices with the hashtags generated by the app and extension
How to test, modify and select the best hashtags for engagement and extend the life of your Instagram post or Tweet appearing in searches and in Instagram Explore pages:
Insta (rainbow color) = great for Instagram, not recommended for other social networks
Green = great engagement (right now, based on realtime data). Tweet density (Tweets/hour containing this hashtag) shows that this hashtag is in the perfect range.
Blue = great for giving your tweet “legs”: our blue grade means that this hashtag is likely to get light engagement now, but get your tweet seen for weeks and perhaps months to come.
Red = overused. Twitter might tell you it’s trending. There’s a problem with trending, however: this just means that there are many Tweets/updates/posts containing the hashtag while telling you nothing about any positive outcomes for those who have included the hashtag in a Tweet. The chance of your tweet with an overused hashtag getting discovered from search or hashtag-clicking (for the stream) are zero.
Grey = unused. Not completely unused, for many, but not used steadily over time. Not a good choice.
Numerical analytics:
Unique Tweets: the average* number of Tweets sent per hour that contain the hashtag
Hashtag exposure: this is the average* number of impressions of Tweets containing the hashtag per hour (both within and outside Twitter, including embedded Tweets)
Retweets: the average* number of Retweets (Tweets that someone shares in Twitter) sent per hour that contain the hashtag
*Average: RiteKit has developed our own weighting for this special average. Our products are geared for those who wish to make things happen in social networks, so our analytics are designed to help them understand which hashtags are likely to get them engagement. Thus, our "averages" are actually weighted: the last hour is most important, and then, the last several hours. Then, to a lesser extent, the last 24 hours, and finally, of slight weighting, the last 30 days.
We do not provide further details on our weighting or algorithms. These are proprietary.
Comparing hashtags in the RiteTag Site
Search a hashtag in the search bar at the top of RiteTag or go straight here.
Use the hashtag bar at the bottom of RiteTag and type hashtags and a space after each. You can then save them as a Hashtag Set or Compare on both the Instagram post count per hashtag as well as three Twitter engagement data points or Copy all.
You can also go from your Hashtag Sets (left side of your RiteTag Dashboard) to compare, add/edit hashtags or delete them.
Here's how to select hashtags, save a hashtag set and use it with an Instagram post. Then, you will want to use your RiteTag browser extension, right-click on your image, generate hashtags, select, copy and add to the Instagram comment as well:
How to understand and put Hashtag Suggestions (engagement analytics) to work for you
View unique tweets as your competition, and retweets/hour and impressions/hour as your wins.
When you several hashtags with high retweets and/or impressions vs. low relative uniques and/or good semantic relevance, save a Hashtag Set. You'll want to compare your researched hashtags in the future, to see which are still right for you - as the engagement stats change over time.
Using the RiteTag browser extension and RiteTag Toolkit* mobile app (Android and iOS) to generate hashtags or compare them based on realtime engagement data
RiteTag browser extension:
Right-click on any photo in any web page or one that you uploaded to a desktop-to-Instagram solution to generate hashtags. Click the ones you don't want to remove, then copy all with the button in the Hashtag Bar. See tutorials for using the RiteTag browser extension with the many social media tools it integrates with here. Even if you don't find the tool you use, just try right-clicking on a block of text (up to 1,000 characters) or on a photo and using the Generate Hashtags mouse option.
Highlight a block of text then right-click and select Generate Hashtags.
Type a hashtag and a space to get color-grading of the hashtag as well as Hashtag Suggestions in the Hashtag Bar that opens, and buttons on the right to compare on three data points or copy all. You can also click on any hashtag in the Hashtag Suggestions to remove it before you use the copy all button.
How to put the numbers to work from Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Buffer or from any site (with the RiteTag browser extension installed)
Using the RiteTag browser extension, in any web page click a hashtag to see the generated hashtags, select a few and hit compare.
In the comparison page that opens, always consider hashtags with low Instagram post counts but high relevance, if you will be using them on Instagram posts
If you are using the hashtags in Twitter, mainly, regard unique tweets as your competition, and retweets/hour and impressions/hour as your wins.
When you manually add hashtags to the hashtag bar that opens when you bookmark hashtags from Compare, try changing singular/plural, push together or break up words (e.g. test #humanresources #hr, etc. but if #hrtips shows low numbers, try #hr). Try to get to several hashtags with high retweets and/or impressions vs. low relative uniques.
RiteTag mobile app:
Search hashtags for current engagement stats and full 30-day historical engagement analytics.
Get Hashtag Suggestions by searching any hashtag.
See the Toolkit app tutorial to master the app and get tips.
Using the color grading with the RiteForge browser extension or by clicking in a post you've loaded in the RiteBoost Bulk Creator
Use the RiteForge extension's browser button to share a web page or highlight text > Share with RiteForge and then click in hashtags to select Associated hashtags and other time-saving options.
Click or type a hashtag and then click the hashtag button for analytics. Click the pull-down for more options, such as suggested hashtags to add, analytics page, or get images/GIFs/influencers to add.
Not sure which RiteKit software tools you need?
Just the essence of each RiteKit product (RiteTag, RiteForge, and RiteBoost), enough to know which you will need, is demonstrated in just a couple minutes:
Hashtag generation is also available by API
These solutions are for developers who want to use RiteTag's proprietary hashtag generation solutions in their apps and websites
Hashtag Generator for text API
Hashtag Generator for image
Test any of our many API solutions even before you get your API developer key, right inside the API Demo Dashboard.
Updated on: 01/12/2024
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