Hashtag Strategy and Total Social Media Optimization
Updated December 1, 2024
Hashtag Strategy
A green hashtag gets you views right now, and lots of them; a blue hashtag give your Tweet "legs": it gets a Tweet showing up in search and and by hashtag-clickers and those tracking tweets coming up with a hashtag, and for weeks/months, rather than hours, since the engagement is good/okay, but the tweet density (tweets/day or hour) is low.
You also have a far higher chance of your Tweets and Instagram images getting automatically curated and republished in Paper.li, Scoopit, Glos.si, Bottlenose, Instapaper, About.me, Zerply, and countless other services that people set up to pull social posts based on hashtags that they designate.
See How to understand and use hashtag color grading for everything you need to know about using RiteTag color-grading with RiteTag, RiteForge and RiteBoost for Twitter, Instagram and all social networks with clickable hashtags.

Type or click in hashtags in the RIteForge Composer to see the engagement stats. Or, search in the RIteTag site for realtime data.
Unique tweets/hour: this is your competition ; retweets/hour and impressions/hours are your wins . Look for a high retweets and/or exposure (average impressions/hour, last 30 days) vs. uniques - for the highest likelihood of engagement, views, link click-throughs and retweets/shares.
More than two hashtags in a Tweet has been said to look spammy. Here's our stance:
All of this was said before Twitter stopped counting the first @mention username's Twitter handle in a Tweet's character-count and before image attachment URLs stopped eating our character count as well.
All the studies we've read that suggest how more than two hashtags tends to get a Tweet less engagement that those with one to two hashtags have been written or use data from before Twitter changed the maximum character-count from 140 to 280 characters*. We often use 2 to 4 hashtags in our own Tweets and see zero drop in engagement.
Hashtagging every word or hashtagging broad topics rather than what your Tweet is actually about will tend to lead to less shares (Retweets) so, this remains a thing to not do.
TIP: in Facebook and Instagram, many are okay. In Facebook and Googleplus, we suggest leaving a line of space between the post text and your hashtags below.
An image, video or animated GIF is essential. Just use RiteForge/RiteBoost's Enhance for an image from URL or type in the RiteForge Composer and whatever word you are clicked in, a click on the image or animated GIF button brings up media to select, download to your browser and drag in easily.
Try influencer-tagging as well, by going from words to a click on the influencers button. Never tag more than one influencer, though or you risk appearing spammy.
Be sure to leave room in tweets (account for your @username’s character count, including the "RT, space, @-mark, username, colon, space") so you have the opportunity to get retweeted. If you do not, people cannot retweet the tweet. Thus, we suggest that you leave enough room in your 280 character maximum Tweet length to have the opportunity to get retweeted.
Example: Saul is @osakasaul in Twitter, so, rather than using my 280 characters for a tweet, I like to restrict myself to 165 so that people can retweet my Tweets. Why subtract 15 from 280? 'RT @osakasaul: ' uses 15 characters.
These solutions are for developers who want to use RiteTag's proprietary hashtag generation solutions in their apps and websites
Hashtag Generator for text API
Hashtag Generator for image
Test any of our many API solutions even before you get your API developer key, right inside the API Demo Dashboard.
Hashtag Strategy
A green hashtag gets you views right now, and lots of them; a blue hashtag give your Tweet "legs": it gets a Tweet showing up in search and and by hashtag-clickers and those tracking tweets coming up with a hashtag, and for weeks/months, rather than hours, since the engagement is good/okay, but the tweet density (tweets/day or hour) is low.
You also have a far higher chance of your Tweets and Instagram images getting automatically curated and republished in Paper.li, Scoopit, Glos.si, Bottlenose, Instapaper, About.me, Zerply, and countless other services that people set up to pull social posts based on hashtags that they designate.
See How to understand and use hashtag color grading for everything you need to know about using RiteTag color-grading with RiteTag, RiteForge and RiteBoost for Twitter, Instagram and all social networks with clickable hashtags.

Our color grading is your quick solution; when it matters the most, here's how to use the numerical analytics from RiteTag
Type or click in hashtags in the RIteForge Composer to see the engagement stats. Or, search in the RIteTag site for realtime data.
Unique tweets/hour: this is your competition ; retweets/hour and impressions/hours are your wins . Look for a high retweets and/or exposure (average impressions/hour, last 30 days) vs. uniques - for the highest likelihood of engagement, views, link click-throughs and retweets/shares.
More than two hashtags in a Tweet has been said to look spammy. Here's our stance:
All of this was said before Twitter stopped counting the first @mention username's Twitter handle in a Tweet's character-count and before image attachment URLs stopped eating our character count as well.
All the studies we've read that suggest how more than two hashtags tends to get a Tweet less engagement that those with one to two hashtags have been written or use data from before Twitter changed the maximum character-count from 140 to 280 characters*. We often use 2 to 4 hashtags in our own Tweets and see zero drop in engagement.
Hashtagging every word or hashtagging broad topics rather than what your Tweet is actually about will tend to lead to less shares (Retweets) so, this remains a thing to not do.
TIP: in Facebook and Instagram, many are okay. In Facebook and Googleplus, we suggest leaving a line of space between the post text and your hashtags below.
Think total social media optimization (not just 1-2 good hashtags)
An image, video or animated GIF is essential. Just use RiteForge/RiteBoost's Enhance for an image from URL or type in the RiteForge Composer and whatever word you are clicked in, a click on the image or animated GIF button brings up media to select, download to your browser and drag in easily.
Try influencer-tagging as well, by going from words to a click on the influencers button. Never tag more than one influencer, though or you risk appearing spammy.
TIP: Never use all of your 280 characters.
Be sure to leave room in tweets (account for your @username’s character count, including the "RT, space, @-mark, username, colon, space") so you have the opportunity to get retweeted. If you do not, people cannot retweet the tweet. Thus, we suggest that you leave enough room in your 280 character maximum Tweet length to have the opportunity to get retweeted.
Example: Saul is @osakasaul in Twitter, so, rather than using my 280 characters for a tweet, I like to restrict myself to 165 so that people can retweet my Tweets. Why subtract 15 from 280? 'RT @osakasaul: ' uses 15 characters.
Hashtag generation is also available by API
These solutions are for developers who want to use RiteTag's proprietary hashtag generation solutions in their apps and websites
Hashtag Generator for text API
Hashtag Generator for image
Test any of our many API solutions even before you get your API developer key, right inside the API Demo Dashboard.
Updated on: 01/12/2024
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