Rite.ly Link Ad Settings
Updated December 1, 2024
Free Trial RIte.ly users: use Rite.link for the domain free, and test in Twitter. When you pay for RiteKit Package or stand-alone Rite.ly, you get one free custom domain, and you'll make new Link Ads with your custom domain. See this help page for why and how to set up your custom domain(s) for Rite.ly.
Before making many Rite.ly URLs and sharing them, check that the sites allow ads to display - Here's how.
Rite.ly links do not modify web pages. Please understand that people who directly access the websites whose pages you share do not see your advertisements. Only those who access the site pages from the Rite.ly URLs you share see the advertisements. This is why it is legal; only those who visit web pages they get from you will see your advertisements.
Because of the risk of our customers making mistakes that would include forgetting places that they have shared Rite.ly URLs that they need to keep working, it is impossible to delete Link Ads. You can archive them, and if you do so, they will no longer be available in your Enhance options or the RiteBoost Bulk Creator's automation dashboard. If you sent out social posts that contain Rite.ly links that you would like to take down, you would need to go into the social networks and manually delete the posts.

See also: Using Rite.ly for exposure and brand recognition, testing ads, archiving those that fail
Note that for links shortened with Rite.ly, Facebook and LinkedIn will not accept them. This is beyond our control; FB and LinkedIn are now blocking all short links created of full URLs. So, if using RiteForge, RiteBoost for scheduling posts, we suggest that you do not shorten links for posts you schedule to LinkedIn or Facebook. If just using Rite.ly, even with custom subdomain, please use them in Tweets, emails, IG comments - and everywhere else - just not in FB or LinkedIn.
Start by editing your Default Link Ad by clicking the pencil button to the right of the Link Ad we start you with, under Ads in your Rite.ly Dashboard.
Use the tabs to create and control the experience your audience will have. Experiment with image, text and video Link Ads or use the invisible Link Ad option if you want nothing to display on pages you share, and just want to collect your link-clickers in tracking pixel(s) for future marketing. Try the sounds, delays, video auto-play (on/off), and different widths for image and video Link Ads.
Open Rite.ly (Link Ads at the top of the site) and hit the pencil icon beside your Link Ads. See the diagram below for what to do in "General" after making a new ad or hitting the pencil (edit) icon beside an existing ad to edit it. You set the type of Link Ad - text/image/video/invisible (just for tracking, if you don't want to display an advertisement) - and control the colors, etc. in "Design." Be sure to change the button text and it's URL - target URL (the thing you want your ad viewers to do) - and note that the logo is something you control, too, and what people open when they click on it, or, where the logo clicks through to:

As you edit your Link Ad, click off of the input area. Just click outside that, on the left side, to see what will be shown, and where, in the Link Ad.

Your social / email audience size: someone with 25,000 Twitter followers will get far more views of a Rite.ly Link Ad on a URL that they share in a Tweet than someone with 100 followers.
The quality of your content: how compelling it is that people are motivated to click the link.
Whether the content on which you place an advertise right for your audience.
Has there been enough time for your followers to see and act on your content.
Does the Link Ad display? For this see this help page and especially the video embedded in it.
Your Link Ads display and click-though from mobile, too so, your audience on phones and tablets will be reached as well as your desktop-based audience.
Rite.ly offers multiple types and positions of Link Ads (CTAs on URLs that you can share anywhere) that can be combined together:

Great for promoting your social media profiles or blogs

Ideal for visually richer CTAs

Maximum filesize: 5MB
TIP: Animated GIFs can be used for the image in Image Link Ads.
There are no required dimensions for images. The ad adjusts automatically to the image size.
Suitable for more complex messages that need to be delivered via video

TIP: If you make the video for the Link Ad, and have someone in it, you might want to have them point down, to suggest they click the Link Ad button, as in the video above.
Here are the video Link Ads we use to market RiteKit products.
Perfect for collecting audience for your tracking pixels. Same tracking options are available for all other Link Ad types as well

You may see that you get clicks on your links, "Link Clicks," but zero or very few Ad Views. This is due to the fact that very, very few people click on ads. (Do you?)
The main thing you get with Rite.ly is exposure, not click-throughs. Here's what I get, the screenshot below. You can see that it took getting to high numbers of views before I started to get a tiny percentage of Ad Views.

With Rite.ly Pro you get unlimited Link Ads, so make several per campaign or client, test them on lots of posts, archive what doesn't work as well. Your archived Link Ads will not be choices in RiteBoost or the RiteBoost, Rite.ly or RiteForge browser extensions, so choosing which Ads to use when making a Rite.ly URL will be fast.
If you are sharing Youtube videos with Rite.ly (or custom domain Rite.ly) URLs, it would probably be better to use a text or image advertisement rather than video. It doesn't look good to place a video over a video.
You want people to read your Link Ad button text and if you use image or video Link Ads, you want people to take in what you're sharing in them. An objective, thus is to do things that do not prompt your audience to close your Link Ads as soon as they appear. Here are suggestions that can help with getting your Link Ads seen and acted upon:
You may find that not having your Link Ad display immediately works better. Use the Show after option in the General tab (when you edit a Link Ad).
Placing a Link Ad right in the center of a page is very aggressive, hence the Evil Popup name and since it blocks the visitor from reading the content of the page you've shared with a rite.ly URL, many of your link-clickers will probably close it very quickly. Lower right or lower left tends to be best for image and video Link Ads, and for text, top is probably the best.
Each Link Ad has two clickable elements that you control, and can lead to different web pages (URLS): the button link and the logo link, both in the General tab (when you edit a Link Ad). You may want to link from your button to what you're promising in the button text, while using a general company homepage or your client's homepage as the logo link.
you are using a security product in your browser, or have set , while most people do not have browser settings that break iframed URLs to original URL - and thus, you do not see the ads but your audience does (most likely).
the sites you made links of did not block, and the owners recently made a change to their site header and they now block (very unlikely).
a mistake in your link ad (there is an edit icon, the pencil, next to each Link Ad you create) settings, such as "invisible" or a long delay before the ad appears.
Please see the screenshot of sites that I use, above, which, when last tested, do not block ads.
sites that blocked may later be changed to allow Link Ads to display* and also, sites that allowed Link Ads may be changed to break iframed URLs to the original URL.
Rite.ly/RItekit Package customers all promoting different things and so, they would want to find and test sites that would be right for their target audience, in order to share social posts, etc., on top of which they advertise.
You are welcome to use sites shown in the screenshot above, but as noted above, you need to test sites by making one Rite.ly URL of a page in their site and clicking upon it yourself to ensure that the site does not block.
Please check sites you do not know to allow Rite.ly Link Ads to display. Here's how. Site owners make a business decision when they choose to block or allow iframing. There are merits and demerits to both decisions. Allow iframing and your site gets added to many directories that do not allow sites that block, and also, people who use Rite.ly or similar solutions will share their blog and other pages. Block, and they do not allow us to advertise on their site links without paying them. So, there are wins and losses with either decision.
Please avail yourself of our library of Rite.ly tutorials for mobile, custom subdomain, remarking pixel targetting and more solutions.
Free Trial RIte.ly users: use Rite.link for the domain free, and test in Twitter. When you pay for RiteKit Package or stand-alone Rite.ly, you get one free custom domain, and you'll make new Link Ads with your custom domain. See this help page for why and how to set up your custom domain(s) for Rite.ly.
Before making many Rite.ly URLs and sharing them, check that the sites allow ads to display - Here's how.
Rite.ly links do not modify web pages. Please understand that people who directly access the websites whose pages you share do not see your advertisements. Only those who access the site pages from the Rite.ly URLs you share see the advertisements. This is why it is legal; only those who visit web pages they get from you will see your advertisements.
Because of the risk of our customers making mistakes that would include forgetting places that they have shared Rite.ly URLs that they need to keep working, it is impossible to delete Link Ads. You can archive them, and if you do so, they will no longer be available in your Enhance options or the RiteBoost Bulk Creator's automation dashboard. If you sent out social posts that contain Rite.ly links that you would like to take down, you would need to go into the social networks and manually delete the posts.

See also: Using Rite.ly for exposure and brand recognition, testing ads, archiving those that fail
Note that for links shortened with Rite.ly, Facebook and LinkedIn will not accept them. This is beyond our control; FB and LinkedIn are now blocking all short links created of full URLs. So, if using RiteForge, RiteBoost for scheduling posts, we suggest that you do not shorten links for posts you schedule to LinkedIn or Facebook. If just using Rite.ly, even with custom subdomain, please use them in Tweets, emails, IG comments - and everywhere else - just not in FB or LinkedIn.
Start by editing your Default Link Ad by clicking the pencil button to the right of the Link Ad we start you with, under Ads in your Rite.ly Dashboard.
Use the tabs to create and control the experience your audience will have. Experiment with image, text and video Link Ads or use the invisible Link Ad option if you want nothing to display on pages you share, and just want to collect your link-clickers in tracking pixel(s) for future marketing. Try the sounds, delays, video auto-play (on/off), and different widths for image and video Link Ads.
Open Rite.ly (Link Ads at the top of the site) and hit the pencil icon beside your Link Ads. See the diagram below for what to do in "General" after making a new ad or hitting the pencil (edit) icon beside an existing ad to edit it. You set the type of Link Ad - text/image/video/invisible (just for tracking, if you don't want to display an advertisement) - and control the colors, etc. in "Design." Be sure to change the button text and it's URL - target URL (the thing you want your ad viewers to do) - and note that the logo is something you control, too, and what people open when they click on it, or, where the logo clicks through to:

As you edit your Link Ad, click off of the input area. Just click outside that, on the left side, to see what will be shown, and where, in the Link Ad.

Rite.ly Ad views depends on five factors:
Your social / email audience size: someone with 25,000 Twitter followers will get far more views of a Rite.ly Link Ad on a URL that they share in a Tweet than someone with 100 followers.
The quality of your content: how compelling it is that people are motivated to click the link.
Whether the content on which you place an advertise right for your audience.
Has there been enough time for your followers to see and act on your content.
Does the Link Ad display? For this see this help page and especially the video embedded in it.
Your Link Ads display and click-though from mobile, too so, your audience on phones and tablets will be reached as well as your desktop-based audience.
Link Ad types and positions
Rite.ly offers multiple types and positions of Link Ads (CTAs on URLs that you can share anywhere) that can be combined together:

Text Link Ad
Great for promoting your social media profiles or blogs

Image Link Ad
Ideal for visually richer CTAs

Maximum filesize: 5MB
TIP: Animated GIFs can be used for the image in Image Link Ads.
There are no required dimensions for images. The ad adjusts automatically to the image size.
Video Link Ad
Suitable for more complex messages that need to be delivered via video

TIP: If you make the video for the Link Ad, and have someone in it, you might want to have them point down, to suggest they click the Link Ad button, as in the video above.
Here are the video Link Ads we use to market RiteKit products.
Invisible Link Ad
Perfect for collecting audience for your tracking pixels. Same tracking options are available for all other Link Ad types as well

Whether you just use Rite.ly and the Rite.ly browser extension or, use Rite.ly in the "Enhance" feature of RiteForge, RiteBoost and the RiteKit Package, here's how easy it is to change the Link Ad on an already-Rite.ly-shortened link:
You may see that you get clicks on your links, "Link Clicks," but zero or very few Ad Views. This is due to the fact that very, very few people click on ads. (Do you?)
The main thing you get with Rite.ly is exposure, not click-throughs. Here's what I get, the screenshot below. You can see that it took getting to high numbers of views before I started to get a tiny percentage of Ad Views.

With Rite.ly Pro you get unlimited Link Ads, so make several per campaign or client, test them on lots of posts, archive what doesn't work as well. Your archived Link Ads will not be choices in RiteBoost or the RiteBoost, Rite.ly or RiteForge browser extensions, so choosing which Ads to use when making a Rite.ly URL will be fast.
If you are sharing Youtube videos with Rite.ly (or custom domain Rite.ly) URLs, it would probably be better to use a text or image advertisement rather than video. It doesn't look good to place a video over a video.
You want people to read your Link Ad button text and if you use image or video Link Ads, you want people to take in what you're sharing in them. An objective, thus is to do things that do not prompt your audience to close your Link Ads as soon as they appear. Here are suggestions that can help with getting your Link Ads seen and acted upon:
You may find that not having your Link Ad display immediately works better. Use the Show after option in the General tab (when you edit a Link Ad).
Placing a Link Ad right in the center of a page is very aggressive, hence the Evil Popup name and since it blocks the visitor from reading the content of the page you've shared with a rite.ly URL, many of your link-clickers will probably close it very quickly. Lower right or lower left tends to be best for image and video Link Ads, and for text, top is probably the best.
Each Link Ad has two clickable elements that you control, and can lead to different web pages (URLS): the button link and the logo link, both in the General tab (when you edit a Link Ad). You may want to link from your button to what you're promising in the button text, while using a general company homepage or your client's homepage as the logo link.
As for ad views for links that you click and do not see your advertisement, it could be that:
you are using a security product in your browser, or have set , while most people do not have browser settings that break iframed URLs to original URL - and thus, you do not see the ads but your audience does (most likely).
the sites you made links of did not block, and the owners recently made a change to their site header and they now block (very unlikely).
a mistake in your link ad (there is an edit icon, the pencil, next to each Link Ad you create) settings, such as "invisible" or a long delay before the ad appears.
Please see the screenshot of sites that I use, above, which, when last tested, do not block ads.
We do not provide lists of sites that do not block Rite.ly Link Ads from displaying because:
sites that blocked may later be changed to allow Link Ads to display* and also, sites that allowed Link Ads may be changed to break iframed URLs to the original URL.
Rite.ly/RItekit Package customers all promoting different things and so, they would want to find and test sites that would be right for their target audience, in order to share social posts, etc., on top of which they advertise.
You are welcome to use sites shown in the screenshot above, but as noted above, you need to test sites by making one Rite.ly URL of a page in their site and clicking upon it yourself to ensure that the site does not block.
Please check sites you do not know to allow Rite.ly Link Ads to display. Here's how. Site owners make a business decision when they choose to block or allow iframing. There are merits and demerits to both decisions. Allow iframing and your site gets added to many directories that do not allow sites that block, and also, people who use Rite.ly or similar solutions will share their blog and other pages. Block, and they do not allow us to advertise on their site links without paying them. So, there are wins and losses with either decision.
Please avail yourself of our library of Rite.ly tutorials for mobile, custom subdomain, remarking pixel targetting and more solutions.
Updated on: 01/12/2024
Thank you!